
Women of Distinction and Leadership at the 2012 International Summit of Cooperatives

Geschrieben am 07-03-2012

Quebec City (ots/PRNewswire) -

The influential, inspiring and accomplished women listed below
head up large organizations around the world and are slated to speak
at the 2012 International Summit of Cooperatives. Innovative and
creative in their management approach and in their strategies for
promoting the cooperative business model, they all offer a unique,
value-added perspective that will enrich the Summit program.

The following speakers have been confirmed:

2012 International Summit of Cooperatives:

Kathy Bardswick, president and chief executive officer, The
Co-operators (Canada)

Dame Pauline Green, president, International Co-operative
Alliance (ICA) (United Kingdom)

Rachel Griffiths, co-founder, Reputation Consultancy (Great

Geneva Guerin, director, Sustainability Solutions Group (Canada)

Rebecca Kemble, president, Union Cab of Madison Co-operative
(United States)

Monique F. Leroux, chair of the board, president and chief
executive officer, Desjardins Group (Canada)

Judy Lipp, executive director, TREC Renewable Energy Co-op and
TREC Education (Canada)

Sylvia Okinlay-Paraguya, chief executive officer, National
Confederation of Cooperatives (NATCCO), (Philippines)

Antoinette C. Roxas, youth sector representative, MSU-IIT
Multi-Purpose Cooperative (Philippines)

Tracy Redies, president and chief executive officer, Coast
Capital Savings Credit Union (Canada)

Robynn Shrader, chief executive officer, National Cooperative
Grocers Association (NCGA), United States

Hélène Simard, president and chief executive officer, Conseil
québécois de la coopération et de la mutualité (CQCM) (Canada)

Imagine 2012 (Official Pre-Summit Event):

Claudia Sanchez Bajo, freelance researcher and consultant and
chief editor of the Chine Actuelle review (Belgium)

Neva Goodwin, Co-Director of the Global Development and
Environment Institute, Tufts University (United States)

Elinor Ostrom, Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences - 2009 (United

Vera Negri Zamagni, Senior adjunct professor of International
Economics and Chair and professor of economic history, University of
Bologna (Italy)

The addition of these presenters will enhance the already
prestigious list of international speakers from the political,
economic and social sectors, including Nobel Prize recipients.

In total, more than 130 speakers are expected to come and share
their expertise, accomplishments and vision for the future of the
cooperative and mutualist model. They will discuss how the
cooperative approach can solve the challenges presented by the major
economic upheavals in the world.

For more information about speakers, visit
http://www.2012intlsummit.coop/site/speakers and

Registration Registration is now open on the Summit website:

About the 2012 International Summit of Cooperatives

More than 1,500 decision-makers and influential figures from the
international cooperative and mutualist community will attend the
2012 International Summit of Cooperatives in Quebec City and Lévis,
Canada, from October 8 to 11, 2012. Under the theme "The Amazing
Power of Cooperatives," the Summit aims to offer solutions that will
promote the development and performance of cooperatives and mutuals
so that they are better prepared to meet the economic and financial
challenges they face.

The Summit will be preceded by Imagine 2012, an International
Conference on Co-operative Economics, which will be held from October
6 to 8, 2012.

Summit site: http://www.2012intlsummit.coop

Twitter: Summitcoop2012 [https://twitter.com ]

UN's IYC site: 2012 International Year of Cooperatives
[http://www.un.org/en/events/coopsyear ]

Pre-Summit Event site: Imagine 2012 [http://www.imagine2012.coop

For further information:
(for journalists only):
Nathalie Genest
+1-514-281-7275 / +1-866-866-7000, ext. 7275 (Canada only)

ots Originaltext: International Summit of Cooperatives
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de


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