
Fraport Traffic Figures - December & Full Year 2011: FRA Achieves New Passenger Records / More Than 56 Million Passengers at Frankfurt Airport in 2011 - First December to Exceed 4 Million Passengers

Geschrieben am 13-01-2012

Frankfurt (ots) -

FRA/rw-rap> Frankfurt Airport (FRA) concluded the year 2011 with
record traffic figures again. For the first time, FRA served more
than four million passengers during a December month. A total of
4.35 million passengers in December 2011 represented an increase of
12.2 percent year-on-year. New December records were also registered
for aircraft movements and maximum takeoff weights (MTOWs).
Aircraft movements at FRA climbed by 12.3 percent to 38,326 takeoffs
and landings in December 2011, while MTOWs increased by 5.6 percent
to 2.29 million metric tons. FRA's airfreight volume reached 167,970
metric tons, down 6.5 percent compared to December 2010. Taking into
account the statistical effect of the adverse winter weather in
December 2010, the bottom line is that passenger traffic still grew
by about five percent in December 2011.

Frankfurt Airport's historical passenger records were all broken
during the summer of 2011. With 56.44 million passengers for the
full year 2011, FRA achieved a 6.5 percent gain compared to 2010.
Thus, this confirms the prognosis from Fraport executive board
chairman Dr. Stefan Schulte at beginning of last year: an increase
ranging between four and seven percent, a conservative estimate.
"The inauguration of Frankfurt's new runway had a very positive
effect on traffic development and showed how important this capacity
investment is for the positive further development of this economic
hub," said Schulte commenting on the latest traffic results.

In FRA's other traffic categories, aircraft movements for 2011
grew by 4.9 percent to 487,162 takeoffs and landings, and MTOWs
jumped by 4.6 percent to 29.25 million metric tons in 2011. After
the extraordinary gains of 2010, the airfreight sector has
increasingly felt the impact of the slowdown in the global economy
during the course of last year. Airfreight throughput in 2011 slipped
by 2.8 percent to 2.17 million metric tons. Nevertheless, this
clearly exceeded the pre-crisis level of 2007.

Fraport's majority-owned foreign airports continued to contribute
to the airport company's success. Combined, the Group's five
majority-owned airports welcomed at total of 96.63 million passengers
in 2011, a 9.1 percent gain year-on-year. Aircraft movements for the
Group soared by 7.1 percent to 816,330 takeoffs and landings.
Antalya Airport (AYT) on the Turkish Riviera was the overall leader
with 24.96 million passengers (up 12.7 percent). Peru's Lima Airport
(LIM) served 11.8 million passengers (up 14.7 percent), followed by
the Bulgaria Black Sea gateways of Burgas Airport (BOJ) with 2.25
million passengers (up 19.0 percent) and Varna Airport (VAR) with
1.18 million passengers, which declined by 3.7 percent mainly because
of the closure of the airport this winter for renovations.

December 2011 passenger figures for the foreign majority-owned
airports are as follows: AYT with 562,509 (up12.9 percent), LIM with
988,711 (up 8.1 percent), BOJ with 23,762 (up 270.2 percent due to
the renovation work at Varna), and VAR registered no traffic because
of its closure.

The Fraport Group's majority-owned airports registered a total of
5.82 million passengers in December 2011, a double-digit rise of 11.3
percent compared to the previous year.

For Further Information, Please Contact:

Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide
Robert A. Payne, B.A.A. - Senior Mgr. International Press & PR
International Spokesman, Press Office (Dept. UKM-PS),
Corporate Communications, 60547 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Tel.: +49 69.690.78547; E-mail: r.payne@fraport.de;
Internet: www.fraport.com


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