
EANS-News: Identive Group Inc. / Multicard Provides Identity Management Service for Australia´s Student Flights Travel Agency

Geschrieben am 17-08-2011

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Brisbane, Australia, August 17, 2011 (euro adhoc) - Multicard, a
leading supplier of credential solutions, identity management and
system integration services and a business unit of Identive Group,
Inc. (NASDAQ: INVE, Frankfurt: INV), announced today that it has been
selected by the youth-oriented Australian travel agency Student
Flights to provide identity management services for the verification
and issuance of International Student Exchange (ISE) student ID

Student Flights is the youth and adventure division of Brisbane-based
Flight Centre Limited and its 50 stores across Australia are
authorized issuing agents for the internationally recognized ISE
card. In addition to serving as an ID credential for student travel
and work, ISE cards also entitle their holders to student discounts
worldwide on everything from flights and rail passes to food, hotels
and hostels, as well as emergency assistance while traveling.

"Multicard´s identity management solution allows us to outsource the
backend activities associated with issuing ISE cards while still
maintaining our role as the primary interface with our customers.
Multicard´s online portal is very easy to use, students get their ISE
cards quickly and the whole system is secure. This is important to us
because Student Flights is recognized as a leader in the youth travel
market and ISE cards are a must-have for every student traveling at
home or abroad," said Darren Lloyd, Student Flights´ Brand Leader.

The customized identity management system that Multicard has
implemented for Student Flights includes a secure online portal for
data collection, verification of applicants´ age and status as
students or teachers, and card issuance by Multicard´s secure card
production bureau. Once a Student Flights staff member has captured
all of the relevant information about a student and entered it into
Multicard´s portal, Multicard verifies the data and produces the
card, which can then be mailed directly to the student or delivered
to the Student Flights sales office for pick-up.

"Multicard´s broad experience with identity management systems helped
us to create a custom solution for Student Flights that meets the
needs of their business, which is centered around providing
personalized, experience-based service," said Ross Head, Managing
Director for Multicard Australia. "By helping Student Flights to
give their customers a positive experience, we also benefit with
follow on business as students return each year to have their expired
ISE cards reissued."

About Multicard Multicard, a business unit of Identive Group, Inc.
(NASDAQ: INVE; Frankfurt: INV), is a worldwide supplier of card
solutions for secure identification programs, with in-house
capabilities for credential issuance, personalizationand fulfillment
for the consumer, government, education, healthcare, smart community
and corporate markets. Multicard offers a complete open payment
platform, ID systems management and engineering services as well as
full implementation and program management. Multicard also is a
provider of enrollment, emergency management and accreditation
solutions using government or corporate IDs. For additional
information, visit www.multicard.com.au

Identive Group, Inc. is a leading provider of products, services and
solutions for the security, identification and RFID industries. For
more information, please visit www.identive-group.com.

Further inquiry note:
Frau Annika Oelsner
Tel.: +49 89 9595-5220
E-Mail: aoelsner@identive-group.com

end of announcement euro adhoc

company: Identive Group Inc.
Carnegie Ave., Bldg. B 1900
US-CA 92705 Santa Ana
phone: +1 949 553 4280
FAX: +49 89 9595-5555
mail: investorrelations@identive-group.com
WWW: http://www.identive-group.com
sector: Computing & Information Technology
ISIN: US45170X1063
indexes: NASDAQ
stockmarkets: Nasdaq: New York, free trade: Berlin, Hamburg, Stuttgart,
Düsseldorf, München, Open Market / Entry Standard: Frankfurt
language: English


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