
EANS-News: Patient-centered Treatment with Software Assisted Medicine (SAM)

Geschrieben am 11-04-2011

CompuGroup Medical invests 130 million euros in the healthcare system

Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
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Company Information

Subtitle: CompuGroup Medical invests 130 million euros in the
healthcare system

Koblenz (euro adhoc) - April 11, 2011: It´s already a reality,
patient-centered medicine that is supported through intelligent
software. The so-called software assisted medicine provides the
physician with patient-specific information for pending decisions -
precisely when it is needed. TenScan, a CompuGroup Medical
innovation, structures the medical data to provide this information.

CompuGroup Medical AG will invest 130 million euros in the healthcare
system within the next five years, for future-oriented product
development. A series of articles provides information about the

During the treatment discussion, the physician must pay attention to
a host of information as medical knowledge doubles approximately
every four years; in addition, the patient record includes numerous
diagnoses. How can the multitude of relevant criteria be grasped in a
comprehensive manner? Medical histories are often very complex and
medical knowledge is too extensive to be able to pick out all of the
relevant factors and include them in the decision. In order to be
able to better utilize this multitude of knowledge for medical
decisions, CompuGroup Medical´s SAM systems supports physicians in
their daily work.

However, in order to provide technical assistance, medical knowledge
in a standardized format is necessary - data can only be linked,
combined and compared if they are available in a uniform and
structured manner. However, many medical documentation systems
currently operate with informal text entries. Even numbers are often
stored in an unstructured text format and great effort is required
for computers to correctly evaluate them.

For that reason, CompuGroup Medical developed a technology called
TenScan that has distinctly improved this problem. TenScan instructs
various systems in how to determine and structure clinically relevant
data and make the data available in a systematized manner via
standardized interfaces.

In order to realize TenScan, CompuGroup Medical´s team of experts
created extensive catalogs of medical parameters for all relevant
data areas that could occur in the medical office. Based on these
parameters, algorithms prepare the respective data in such a manner
that they can be processed by diverse systems. The various SAM
modules then access the data that is now available, analyze their
content and combine the information contained therein.

CompuGroup advocates for the best healthcare: based on the TenScan,
individual information can be calculated for each patient and made
available to the physician directly during treatment. This way, the
physician is able to base his decisions on high-quality knowledge and
the patient discussion remains the focus of treatment.

About CompuGroup Medical AG

CompuGroup Medical is one of the leading eHealth companies in the
world. Its software products are designed to support all medical and
organizational activities in doctors´ offices and hospitals. Its
information services for all parties involved in the healthcare
system and its web-based personal health records contribute towards
safer and more efficient healthcare. CompuGroup Medical´s services
are based on a unique customer base of over 380,000 doctors,
dentists, hospitals and networks as well as other service providers.
CompuGroup Medical is the eHealth company with one of the highest
coverage among eHealth service providers worldwide. Approximately
3300 highly qualified employees in 25 countries support customers
with innovative solutions for the steadily growing demands of the
healthcare system.

end of announcement euro adhoc

ots Originaltext: CompuGroup Medical AG
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Further inquiry note:

CompuGroup Medical AG
Barbara Müller
Consultant Press & Media
P +49 (0) 261 8000-1293
F +49 (0) 261 8000-3284
E-Mail: press@cgm.com

Branche: Software
ISIN: DE0005437305
WKN: 543730
Börsen: Frankfurt / regulated dealing/prime standard
Berlin / free trade
Hamburg / free trade
Stuttgart / free trade
Düsseldorf / free trade
München / free trade


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