
The Future of Urology in Question: New Survey Reveals the Top Concerns Facing Specialists Today

Geschrieben am 19-03-2011

London and Staines, England (ots/PRNewswire) - New
research by Astellas Pharma Europe Ltd. today reveals the top three
challenges facing urologists across Europe are a lack of funding for
research and development; a lack of understanding amongst referrers;
and a lack of new treatments available to patients.(1)

When asked to rank the biggest challenges in urology today, 65
per cent of urologists ranked a lack of funding of research and
development as their biggest concern, and more than half cited lack
of understanding amongst referrers as an ongoing problem. More than a
third of respondents indicated a lack of new treatments for
urological conditions as a problem in the area. Disappointingly,
nearly two thirds of those surveyed felt urology was not a health
priority in their country, and the majority do not believe the senior
management in their hospital prioritises their discipline.

Dr Txema Sanz, Senior Brand Director for Urology, Astellas Pharma
Europe Ltd. said; "At Astellas, we recognise the importance of
working closely with urologists across Europe to understand the
challenges they face and to learn the ways we can support them now
and in the future. We understand the importance of funding
comprehensive research and development in urology and are committed
to finding more solutions to address unmet medical needs. It was also
interesting to see that continuing education is a key priority for
those urologists questioned. At Astellas we are committed to
providing ongoing education and work hard to support educational
meetings across Europe. For example, we have hosted the Leading
Lights in Urology and Uro-gynaecology meetings for the last four
years and support training meetings for newly qualified urologists.
We are also especially aware of the need for local solutions, and
concentrate on providing training opportunities tailored to the
challenges urologists and primary care referrers' face in each

The research shows that another major challenge urologists
continue to face is the implementation of the European Working Time
Directive, which gives employees the right to work no more than 48
hours per week. 9 out of 10 urologists surveyed work more than 50
hours per week, working on average, 53 hours per week. The majority
also highlighted that paperwork and internal bureaucracy have the
most negative impact on the time they can spend directly with

Leading expert in prostate cancer Professor Kurt Miller, from the
Charité - University Medicine Berlin, said; "There are many
unanswered questions in urology which need ongoing and significant
research to answer. It is still an underfunded discipline, and
prostate cancer in particular is lagging behind other common
malignancies like breast, lung and colon. Continued funding and
ongoing education is key to providing the best patient care possible
in this changing field. Pharmaceutical companies like Astellas play
an important role, supporting research to help us answer outstanding
questions and providing training to ensure we are well equipped to
provide the best care for patients, every day."

The survey, conducted by leading pharmaceutical company Astellas
Pharma Europe Ltd., was carried out amongst 220 urologists from
across Europe to canvass opinion on the changing face of the urology

Astellas Pharma Europe Ltd is an established leader in urology in
Europe, committed to improving the lives of patients with urological
conditions. Its current urology portfolio includes treatments for
benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), overactive bladder (OAB) and
prostate cancer. With a strong emphasis on research and development,
Astellas is dedicated to finding new treatments to meet unmet medical
needs and has a number of treatments for urological conditions in the
later stages of development. As part of its ongoing commitment to the
field, Astellas also provides and supports a wide range of
educational opportunities for those working in the field of urology,
designed to progress professional expertise and improve patient

(1) Market research conducted by Ismar Healthcare via Survey
Gizmo amongst 220 urologists in February/ March 2011

About Astellas Pharma Europe Ltd.:

Astellas Pharma Europe Ltd., located in the UK, is a European
subsidiary of Tokyo-based Astellas Pharma Inc. Astellas is a
pharmaceutical company dedicated to improving the health of people
around the world through the provision of innovative and reliable
pharmaceuticals. The organisation is committed to becoming a global
company by combining outstanding R&D and marketing capabilities and
continuing to grow in the world pharmaceutical market. Astellas
Pharma Europe Ltd. is responsible for 21 affiliate offices located
across Europe, the Middle East and Africa, an R&D site and three
manufacturing plants. The company employs approximately 3,900 staff
across these regions. For more information about Astellas Pharma
Europe, please visit http://www.astellas.eu.

Contacts for inquiries or additional information
Astellas Pharma Europe Ltd.
Corporate Communications
Mindy Dooa
Tel: +44-(0)1784-419408

ots Originaltext: Astellas Pharma Europe Limited
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Contacts for inquiries or additional information: Astellas
PharmaEurope Ltd., Corporate Communications, Mindy Dooa, Tel:


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