
European Commission Applies New Policy for Reviewing Antitrust Complaints and Continues Qualcomm Investigation

Geschrieben am 01-10-2007

San Diego (ots/PRNewswire) -

- No Statement of Objections Issued -

Qualcomm Incorporated (Nasdaq: QCOM) has been informed that the
European Commission has taken the procedural step of "initiating
proceedings" against Qualcomm, in response to complaints first lodged
in 2005 by six companies. Under a newly adopted policy for handling
antitrust complaints, the Commission has "initiated proceedings"
without expressing a view on the merits of the complaints and without
issuing a Statement of Objections. In doing so, the Commission has
made the resolution of this case a matter of priority. "Initiation of
proceedings" leaves open the various courses of action the Commission
may choose at the end of the investigation, including rejection of
the complaints, seeking a settlement with Qualcomm or issuing a
Statement of Objections.

"We are pleased that the Commission has decided to give the case
priority status to move it forward swiftly to resolution," said Steve
Altman, president of Qualcomm. "We welcome the continuation of our
dialogue with the Commission in order to demonstrate that the
complaints are without merit and are motivated by commercial
considerations of the entrenched complainants who are trying to
stifle the competition that Qualcomm brings to the market."

"Furthermore, we will continue to explain the undisputed fact that
Qualcomm greatly contributed to the development and commercialization
of WCDMA technology and has abided by its obligations to ETSI and
other standards setting organizations, including its commitments to
offer licenses to its essential patents on fair, reasonable and
non-discriminatory (FRAND) terms. Qualcomm's business model of
extensively licensing our innovations has opened WCDMA to new players
-- driving competition, growth and further innovation. As a direct
consequence, European consumers are benefiting from greater
competition, rapidly declining WCDMA handset prices and more handset
choices and features."

Qualcomm Incorporated (www.qualcomm.com) is a leader in developing
and delivering innovative digital wireless communications products
and services based on CDMA and other advanced technologies.
Headquartered in San Diego, Calif., Qualcomm is included in the S&P
500 Index and is a 2007 FORTUNE 500(R) company traded on The Nasdaq
Stock Market(R) under the ticker symbol QCOM.

Except for the historical information contained herein, this news
release contains forward-looking statements that are subject to risks
and uncertainties, including the Company's ability to successfully
design and have manufactured significant quantities of CDMA
components on a timely and profitable basis, the extent and speed to
which CDMA is deployed, change in economic conditions of the various
markets the Company serves, as well as the other risks detailed from
time to time in the Company's SEC reports, including the report on
Form 10-K for the year ended September 24, 2006, and most recent Form

Qualcomm is a registered trademark of Qualcomm Incorporated. All
other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.


The Commission has taken this procedural step under Article 11(6)
of Council Regulation No. 1/2003 and Article 2(1) of Commission
Regulation No 773/2004.

Article 2 of Regulation No. 773/2004 provides that the Commission
can initiate proceedings with a view to adopting, at a later stage, a
decision on substance according to Articles 7-10 of Regulation No
1/2003. Articles 7-10 of Regulation No 1/2003 govern specifically;

- a finding of infringement following the issuance of a Statement of
Objections (Article 7);
- interim measures (Article 8);
- commitments (Article 9); and
- a finding of inapplicability (Article 10) rejecting the complaints.

In the current case, the Commission has chosen to open proceedings
before any such further steps are taken.

Since the beginning of 2007, the Commission has applied this
procedure in at least five previous investigations involving
Boehringer, ENI, E.On/GdF, Suez and EdF.

Qualcomm Contacts:
Christine Trimble, Corporate Communications
Phone: +1-858-845-5959
Email: corpcomm@qualcomm.com
John Gilbert, Investor Relations
Phone: +1-858-658-4813
Email: ir@qualcomm.com
European Contact:
Mathew Heim
Phone: +32-476-416-968
Email: mathew.heim@thecentre.eu

Web site: http://www.qualcomm.com

ots Originaltext: Qualcomm Incorporated
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Christine Trimble, Corporate Communications, +1-858-845-5959,
corpcomm@qualcomm.com, or John Gilbert, Investor Relations,
+1-858-658-4813, ir@qualcomm.com, all of Qualcomm; or European
contact, Mathew Heim, +32-476-416-968, mathew.heim@thecentre.eu


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