
Advantage through diversity - Metro Group presents integration award

Geschrieben am 18-09-2007

Berlin (ots) -

Intercultural diversity as a corporate opportunity

The retail group METRO today presented awards for their
competition "Together." All Berlin-based employees had been asked to
contribute ideas on how to better address customers' international
diversity. Dr. Hans-Joachim Körber, CEO of the Metro Group, presented
the awards to the winning teams.

"More than 15 million people in Germany have an immigrant
background. That is nearly 20 percent of the population," said Dr.
Hans-Joachim Körber. "These figures alone demonstrate that our
country has long since become home to a diverse range of cultures. We
should view this as a true opportunity. Because diversity is
enriching, both for peoples' personal lives as well as for the

This is exactly where the competition "Together - retail connects
cultures" comes in. Employees of the Berlin retail branches of Metro
Cash & Carry, Real and extra, Kaufhof as well as Media Markt and
Saturn participated. Internationally mixed teams from the various
METRO Group companies joined together and devised concepts to better
address international customers at their location.

First prize was awarded to an employee team from five different
Real markets in Berlin. Carrying the slogan "real/extra - Berlin
connects cultures," the winners analyzed the shopping habits of
international customers. Using one-on-one interviews and joint
workshops, the employees gained valuable insight into their shopping
and consumer behavior. In the end, the team was able, among other
things, to compile a list of important products that international
target groups are desperately searching for in this country and that
should be added to the product range.

Dr. Hans-Joachim Körber, CEO of the METRO Group, applauded the
dedication demonstrated by the total of 16 teams who participated in
this competition: "The fact that you decided to address this subject
is exemplary. You have made a valuable contribution with your ideas.
You have given answers to the question: How can we align ourselves
even better to our diverse customer base?"

The reason behind the METRO Group's strong dedication to the
topics of migration and integration are the demographic changes in
our society: The population is constantly shrinking, while people are
getting older and more ethnically diverse.

Internationality and intercultural cooperation are already reality
for the METRO Group today. A total of 55 percent of employees work
abroad and more than 10,000 non-German employees work in Germany. The
METRO Group views the ethnic diversity of its employees as a sign of
strength and an opportunity for the company. It has therefore
established all of its measures under the motto "Advantage through

METRO Group is one of the most important international retailing
companies. In 2006 the group reached sales of about EUR 60 billion.
The company has a headcount of some 270,000 employees and operates
about 2,400 outlets in 30 countries. The operating business is
performed by the sales brands which operate independently in the
market: Metro/Makro Cash & Carry - world market leader in cash &
carry wholesale, Real hypermarkets and Extra supermarkets, Media
Markt and Saturn - market leader in consumer electronics centers in
Europe, and Galeria Kaufhof department stores. More information at:
www.metrogroup.de .

Originaltext: Metro Group
digital press kits: http://www.presseportal.de/pm/9038
press kits via RSS: http://www.presseportal.de/rss/pm_9038.rss2
ISIN: DE0007257503

METRO AG - Corporate Communications
Phone +49 (0) 211 68 86-28 70
Fax +49 (0) 211 68 86-20 00


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