
euro adhoc: Neue Sentimental Film AG / Financial Figures/Balance Sheet / Neue Sentimental Film AG Announcement of figures for 2006 and forecast for 2007

Geschrieben am 23-03-2007

Disclosure announcement transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is responsible
for the content of this announcement.


March 23, 2007 - Frankfurt/Main

In today’s meeting of the Supervisory Board of Neue Sentimental Film
AG the Supervisory Board approved the consolidated financial
statements prepared by the Managing Board and audited by König
Wirtschaftsprüfungs GmbH. Neue Sentimental Film AG (ISIN:
DE0005341408), a leading, international company for the production of
advertising films and TV formats, is thus today publishing its key
figures from the consolidated financial statements for fiscal year
2006. The company was able to continue the positive trend set in the
first three quarters of 2006, with revenues up to EUR 34.4 million
compared to EUR 28.9 million in 2005. Without the South American unit
The Lift Mx, which was consolidated for the first time on October 1,
2006, revenues totaled EUR 33.0 million. EBIT is positive for the
first time since 2000 and totaled EUR 0.31 million, a significant
improvement of EUR 1.22 million (134 percent) year-on-year (2005: EUR
-0.91 million). Annual earnings totaled EUR -0.25 million, up by EUR
1.60 million compared to December 31, 2005. This includes the
non-cash reversal of deferred tax assets resulting from the positive
earnings at individual subsidiaries, as well as losses from
deconsolidation and one-off expenses.

It should be noted that a random-sample audit of the consolidated
financial statements for 2005 by the Deutsche Prüfstelle für
Rechnungslegung (DPR-FREP) meant that the figures from previous years
had to be corrected. In particular, errors were ascertained in the
accounting for goodwill and deferred taxation as part of the
conversion from US GAAP to IFRS accounting. These were taken into
account when preparing the 2006 financial statements by correcting
the IFRS opening financial statements as of January 1, 2004. Whereas
the formal errors, such as the correction of earlier write-downs and
write-ups for goodwill, did not have a material impact on the current
figures in the accounts, the correction of the deferred taxes formed
in the amount of EUR 3 million has led to a reduction in the
consolidated equity ratio from the 48% disclosed in 2005 to a current
ratio of 43.7% in 2006. As the business prospects have improved
significantly since the balance sheet date of December 31, 2005, and
as activities to optimize taxation in 2006 have already been
commenced, there may be further increases in deferred tax assets when
preparing future financial statements in order to correspond to the
changed conditions.

The fully audited consolidated annual financial statements for 2006
will be published on March 29, 2007.

In addition, the company has announced its forecast for fiscal year
2007. It is forecasting revenues of between EUR 36 and 38 million
with EBIT of EUR 0.75 - 1.05 million. Net income still depends on the
final structure of the deferred taxes, however it is expected to be
clearly positive. In today’s meeting of the Supervisory Board, the
resignations of the Supervisory Board members Detlef Hübner and Dr.
Peter Schmalisch as of the date of the next General Meeting on June
15, 2007 were accepted. The Supervisory Board’s Chairman, Ms.
Christiane Eckardt and the Managing Board thanked Mr. Hübner and Dr.
Schmalisch for their excellent and constructive cooperation. Dr.
Hartmut Schwesinger and Mr. Gerhard Mutter will be proposed for
election to the Supervisory Board at the General Meeting on June 15,

end of announcement euro adhoc 23.03.2007 15:08:18

ots Originaltext: Neue Sentimental Film
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Further inquiry note:
Thomas Schwinger-Caspari
Member of the executive board
Neue Sentimental Film AG
Phone: 0049 (0) 69 94 33 14 0
Fax: 0049 (0) 69 497 03 03

Branche: Cinema
ISIN: DE0005341408
WKN: 534 140
Index: CDAX, Prime All Share, Classic All Share
Börsen: Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse / regulated dealing/prime
Börse Berlin-Bremen / free trade
Hamburger Wertpapierbörse / free trade
Baden-Württembergische Wertpapierbörse / free trade
Börse Düsseldorf / free trade
Niedersächsische Börse zu Hannover / free trade
Bayerische Börse / free trade


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