
NewWest Gold Corporation Identifies New Gold Mineralization Zone at Abel Knoll

Geschrieben am 05-03-2007

Lakewood, Colorado (ots/PRNewswire) - NewWest Gold Corporation
(TSX:NWG) ("NewWest") announced today that Phase Two drilling at its
Abel Knoll discovery at the Sandman Project in Humboldt County,
Nevada expanded a previously identified mineralized zone and
discovered a new zone of mineralization to the east-northeast.
NewWest's Phase Two drilling program followed a discovery of
high-grade gold mineralization at Abel Knoll disclosed on October
16, 2006.

The Phase Two drilling program included 25 reverse circulation
(RC) rotary holes with a total of 12,665 feet of drilling at Abel
Knoll. The Abel Knoll drill holes were part of a US$1.2 million
project-wide drilling program to test district exploration targets
and to expand mineralization at three of the deposits at Sandman,
including North Hill, Silica Ridge, and Southeast Pediment.

The Phase Two drilling program advanced the Abel Knoll target to a
deposit with a quantifiable resource and significant upside

"The presence of multiple and seemingly continuous high-grade
zones in two holes (AK06-2 and AK06-23) is especially promising,"
said Steve Alfers, President and Chief Executive Officer. "The new
discovery just to the east-northeast represents an exciting
opportunity to add substantial size to the gold mineralization at
Abel Knoll."

Phase Two results for Abel Knoll and a map of the drill-hole
locations are available on the News page of NewWest's website at
www.newwestgold.com. Reported average gold grades are based on a
0.010 0z Au/ton cutoff.

Abel Knoll Phase Two Drill Program Objectives

NewWest designed the Abel Knoll Phase Two drilling program to test
the extent of the mineralization identified in the two exploration
holes drilled during the Phase One drilling program. As reported on
October 16, 2006, both Phase One drill holes intercepted gold
mineralization. Hole AK06-2 encountered 420 feet of continuous gold
mineralization from 245 to 655 feet with an average grade of 0.087
oz Au/ton. This interval includes two higher grade zones of 0.397 oz
Au/ton between 350 and 375 feet and 0.192 oz Au/ton between 535 and
635 feet. The Phase Two step-out drilling near AK06-2 substantially
defined the shape of this mineralized zone which remains open to the
northwest. The Phase Two program also tested an inferred structural
trend to follow-up the mineralization encountered in AK06-1, which
contained two low-grade intervals.

Phase Two Drilling Defines Pipe-Shaped Mineralized Zone and
Discovers New Zone of Mineralization

Twenty-one of the Phase Two drill holes were located to determine
the size and geometry of the AK06-2 mineralized zone. Drilling
results reveal a steeply-dipping, pipe-shaped mineralized body that
is roughly 400-feet long in an east-west direction, 150-feet wide in
a north-south direction, and 600 feet deep. Table 1 shows selected
mineralized intervals in several of the drill holes that tested this
pipe-shaped body.

Vertical hole AK06-18 encountered 325 feet with an average grade
of 0.035 oz Au/ton. This hole was lost in mineralization due to bad
ground conditions at a depth of 460 feet. Angle hole AK06-23 was
drilled to a depth of 650 feet; however, assay results are only
reported to a depth of 480 feet. Fire assays indicate that the
remainder of the hole from 480 to 650 feet is mineralized with local
high-grade intervals. Because this mineralization occurs below a 1.8
oz Au/ton interval at a depth of 440 to 445 feet, there is a concern
that some of the higher grades below this interval could be related
to contamination. NewWest intends to verify these assay results with
a core hole before the RC results are released.

Four of the Phase Two drill holes tested an inferred structural
trend near AK06-1. All four holes encountered mineralization and
discovered a new mineralized zone that may be related to an apparent
east-west or east-northeast-trending structure. Table 1 lists
selected mineralized intercepts from these holes.

Table 1: Selected Phase Two Abel Knoll Drilling Results
Drill Depth From To Intercept Gold Grade High 5' Gold
Hole (feet) (feet) (feet) (feet) (oz Au/ton) (oz Au/ton)
Pipe-Shaped Mineralized Zone
AK06-4 470 330 430 100 0.039 0.232
AK06-11 580 170 175 5 0.053
AK06-14 740 550 700 150 0.031 0.067
AK06-15 440 340 380 40 0.080 0.267
AK06-18 460 135 460 325 0.035 0.094
AK06-19 460 160 405 245 0.030 0.100
AK06-23 650 215 220 5 0.010
235 260 25 0.024 0.047
285 480 195 0.136
Includes 425 450 25 0.604
Includes 440 445 5 1.800
AK06-26 470 230 275 45 0.063 0.313
305 355 50 0.041
365 375 10 0.031
Newly Discovered Mineralized Zone
AK06-9 360 160 240 80 0.029 0.065
AK06-20 280 170 215 45 0.033 0.131
AK06-24 220 175 180 5 0.022
180 185 5 No sample
185 195 10 0.021 0.021
AK06-25 320 245 320 75 0.023 0.052

Future Planned Drilling

NewWest will conduct follow-up drilling of both the pipe-shaped
mineralized body and the newly discovered zone. Because the
pipe-shaped body contains significant groundwater, two core holes are
planned to verify the high-grade zones identified in AK06-2 and
AK06-23. Additional RC drilling will investigate the extent of the
new discovery east-northeast of AK06-1.

Qualified Person

Michael Gustin, Ph.D., of Mine Development Associates, Reno,
Nevada, is NewWest's qualified person as defined by NI 43-101 and has
reviewed and approved the technical data in this news release.

Forward-Looking Statements

This news release includes certain "forward-looking statements"
within the meaning of Canadian securities laws. Forward-looking
statements involve risks, uncertainties and other factors that could
cause actual results, performance, prospects and opportunities to
differ materially from those expressed in such forward-looking
information. Forward-looking information in this news release
includes but is not limited to, economic performance, statements
regarding potential mineralization and reserve exploration, and
future plans and objectives of NewWest Gold Corporation including
future exploration and development. Any number of important factors
could cause actual results to differ materially from these
forward-looking statements, including those set out in the Company's
prospectus dated August 18, 2006, as well as future results. Although
the Company believes that the assumptions and factors used in
preparing the forward-looking statements are reasonable, undue
reliance should not be placed on these statements, which only apply
as of the date of this news release, and no assurance can be given
that such events will occur in the disclosed timeframes or at all.
The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or
revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new
information, future events or otherwise.

About NewWest

NewWest is one of the largest holders of precious metals mineral
rights in Nevada's gold trends, spanning approximately 623,000 acres.
NewWest holds 19 exploration projects, including advanced-stage
projects with measured and indicated resources. NewWest's goal is to
move its projects into production.

ots Originaltext: NewWest Gold Corporation
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

For further information: NewWest Gold Corporation, Stephen Alfers,
President and Chief Executive Officer, Tel: +1-303-425-7042, Fax:
+1-303-425-6634, info@newwestgold.com


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