
EANS-Adhoc: Precious Woods Holding Ltd. /

Geschrieben am 06-09-2010

Ad-hoc-Mitteilung übermittelt durch euro adhoc mit dem Ziel einer
europaweiten Verbreitung. Für den Inhalt ist der Emittent verantwortlich.



Media release, 6. 9. 2010

Precious Woods invests in its tournaround

The turnaround introduced in spring of 2009 grew into a profound
reorganisation of the Precious Woods Group. The core objective shared
by the Board of Directors, Group Management and employees is to
increase operational profitability while maintaining the reached high
ecological and social standards. Although the measures introduced are
beginning to show initial results (e.g. at Precious Woods Europe),
internal and external factors meant that, by mid-2010, they had not
yet brought about positive figures. Negative results are i.e.
reported in Brazil and - due to the ban on the export of logs - in
Gabon. For the Board of Directors and the Group Management, the focus
is on accelerating the impact of the measures initiated.

The markets for tropical timber products have shown signs of a
recovery over the past few months. Precious Woods (PW) is obtaining
better prices for its products, and sales volumes have stabilized.
Our cost-cutting and process- optimization programs have been showing
the first signs of success in Europe and Central America. However,
political restrictions have once again had a negative effect on the
result: in Gabon, the government´s ban on the export of logs has been
enforced rigorously since January 1, 2010. Contrary to expectations,
the export quotas for logs that the government announced have not yet
been approved. In Brazil, the required harvest permit has been
granted, however around three months late and only for a part of the
harvest area. These developments have influenced the negative result
of the first half of 2010.

The operative loss is 8.9 million USD. Following four factors were
the main contributors to the operative loss recorded in the first
half of 2010: • The negative impact of the ban on the export of
logs from Gabon (USD 2.3 million). • An unexpected loss on stored
wood in Brazil (USD 0.9 million) caused by an inventory error (which
is currently being investigated with an internal audit). •
Excessive fixed costs in relation to sales figures in Brazil (USD 2.3
million). These were caused primarily by the extended ban on
harvesting due to the rainy season lasting longer than normal, by the
delay in receiving the harvest permit and by the necessary switch to
lower-quality woods. • The USD 2.4 million drop in the net growth
of biological assets in Central America (compared to the previous
year) caused by the change in the valuation system for plantations
introduced at the end of 2009 (see 2009 Annual Report, page 26). The
Board of Directors and the Group Management find the unsatisfactory
performance at mid-2010 bitterly disappointing given that intensive
work is being put into a profound turnaround. Since fall of 2009 -
and with greater intensity starting at the beginning of this year -
measures have been taken to tackle the above-mentioned causes.
However, they are requiring longer than expected to be effective. The
Board of Directors and Group Management expect the measures to have a
greater impact next year and the turnaround to be completed.

Further information:
Precious Woods: www.preciouswoods.com

Precious Woods
Militärstrasse 90
8021 Zürich
Tel. +41 (0)44 245 81 11
Mail: office@preciouswoods.com

There will be an investorcall: Monday, 6.9.2010 at 10.00 pm. Please
dial: +41 (0)44 580 65 21. Participants: Prof. Ernst A.Brugger
(Chairman of the board), Joachim Kaufmann (CEO), Cornelia Gehrig

Ende der Mitteilung euro adhoc

ots Originaltext: Precious Woods Holding AG
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de


Precious Woods Holding Ltd.

Militärstrasse 90

CH-8021 Zürich

Branche: Forstwirtschaft
ISIN: CH0013283368
WKN: 982280
Index: SPI
Börsen: SIX Swiss Exchange / Main Standard


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