
Mars hosts key scientific panel discussion at one of the largest ever gatherings of Nobel Laureates

Geschrieben am 30-06-2010

Lindau, Germany (ots) -

- Querverweis: Bildmaterial ist abrufbar unter
http://www.presseportal.de/galerie.htx?type=obs -

To tackle the world's most pressing issues, genuine collaboration
between the academic community, government and industry is needed,
Mars, Incorporated said yesterday. As part of the Lindau Nobel
Laureate Meetings, Mars hosted an interdisciplinary panel discussion
addressing the far-reaching impact science can have on society.

The Mars panel discussion is a key event at the Lindau Nobel
Laureate Meetings - a globally recognized forum that has been
bringing together Nobel Laureates and the world's most promising
young scientists since 1951. This year's meeting, taking place from
27th June to 2nd July, sees 61 Nobel Laureates meet with the world's
best young researchers to discuss topics that will be central to
future scientific debate. Following more than 30,000 applications,
650 young researchers were selected to participate in the meetings
set on the banks of Lake Constance between Germany, Austria and

Yesterday's panel discussion is characteristic of the unique
interaction that takes place at Lindau and featured the views of
Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, Physiology or Medicine Nobel Laureate;
Howard Shapiro, Global Staff Officer of Plant Science and External
Research, Mars, Incorporated and Tanya Petrossian, a selected young
researcher from UCLA. Adam Smith, Editor in Chief, Nobelprize.org,
moderated the panel and chaired an in-depth Q&A session with the
diverse student audience.

"By facilitating open and meaningful dialogue between the
scientific leaders of today and tomorrow, we aim to inspire the next
generation of scientists to pursue innovation for the benefit of the
global community," said Howard Shapiro. Shapiro, who leads the Mars
team sequencing the cocoa genome, spoke of how science can be used to
advance sustainability and harnessed as an economic and social driver
in the world's poorest regions.

Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in
Physiology or Medicine in 2008 for her work in the identification of
HIV as the cause of AIDS, gave a unique insight into how science can
shape society and the value of such a debate. "It is clear that the
young investigators are already thinking deeply about the role of
science in society and this enormous topic will be an important
element to include in future Lindau meetings," said Françoise
Barré-Sinoussi speaking after the panel.

Global collaboration is a key tenet of Mars science strategy. In
2007, Mars entered into its engagement with the Lindau organization
and has since been closely involved in the meetings. This year, Mars
sponsored seven young researchers from the United States to attend
and participate in this unique forum and interact with Nobel
Laureates from various disciplines.

About Mars, Incorporated

Mars, Incorporated is a private, family-owned company founded in
1911 and employing more than 65,000 associates at over 370 sites,
including 135 factories, in 68 countries worldwide. Headquartered in
McLean, Virginia, U.S.A., Mars, Incorporated is one of the world's
largest food companies, generating global sales of more than $28
billion annually and operating in six business segments: Chocolate,
Petcare, Wrigley Gum and Confections, Food, Drinks, and

Mars entered into its engagement with the Lindau organization in
2007. In 2008, Pamela Mars was appointed to the Honorary Senate of
the Lindau Foundation of Nobel prizewinners.

About the cocoa genome

In June 2008, Mars, Incorporated, the United States Department of
Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS), and IBM
announced that they would sequence, annotate and assemble the cocoa
genome. A genome is essentially a map of all the components that make
up the characteristics of an organism - in this case, cocoa. By
understanding the exact location of these characteristics, it is
easier to breed cocoa plants that have beneficial characteristics.

This public-private collaboration may enable the world's 6.5
million cocoa farmers to plant better quality cocoa and, more
importantly, help create healthier, stronger cocoa crops with higher
yields, pest and disease resistance, and increased water and
nutrient-use efficiency.

About The Nobel Laureate Meetings at Lindau

The Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings are a globally-recognised forum
which has been bringing Nobel prizewinners and the world's most
promising young scientists together since 1951. The week-long, annual
event takes place in Lindau, set on the banks of Lake Constance
between Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The meetings consist of
panel discussions, lectures, seminars and social events to facilitate
interaction between Nobel Laureates and the scientific and academic
elite of the future.

This year's meeting will be an interdisciplinary event bringing
together young researchers from all continents and 61 Nobel Laureates
in physiology, medicine, physics and chemistry. The Meetings will
take place from 27th June - 2nd July 2010.

For more information, please see: http://www.lindau-nobel.de/

Originaltext: Mars Inc.
digital press kits: http://www.presseportal.de/pm/64772
press kits via RSS: http://www.presseportal.de/rss/pm_64772.rss2

For more information, please contact
Roland Klein
M +44 7776 162 997

Julian Hill
M +44 7825 768 740


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