
'Improvement through Movement' educational programme launched for people with osteoporosis / Pan-European osteoporosis patients encouraged to dance their way to stronger bones

Geschrieben am 20-10-2009

Munich, Germany (ots) - An educational programme available on DVD
is launched today, on World Osteoporosis Day, bringing together the
glamorous world of ballroom dance with the serious nature of disease
management. Sponsored by DAIICHI SANKYO EUROPE and endorsed by the
International Osteoporosis Foundation, 'Improvement through Movement'
is a new educational programme which aims to encourage people with
osteoporosis to use ballroom dance exercises to help strengthen their
bones and slow the progression of the disease.

Osteoporosis affects approximately 200 million women throughout
the world.(1) Many people with osteoporosis are reluctant to do any
form of physical activity for fear of further damaging their bones,
however improving muscle strength through any kind of physical
activity helps to strengthen bones - which is why this educational
programme has been developed.

Professor Juliet Compston, Professor of Bone Medicine at the
University of Cambridge School of Medicine, Cambridge, UK, who helped
to oversee the routine comments: "Research has shown that, although
you can't cure osteoporosis, you can help to prevent its progression.
Exercise is one of the most important things that people with
osteoporosis can do to help themselves, and dancing is a fun,
beneficial form of exercise. Dance exercises the entire body giving
joints, muscles and, most importantly, bones a thorough workout".

Reinhard Bauer, CEO DAIICHI SANKYO EUROPE, comments: "This
educational programme is an important step to help improve patients'
quality of life. It is just one way we can raise awareness of the
disease and encourage osteoporosis sufferers to keep active for

Following the Strictly Come Dancing television phenomenon, which
has been syndicated around the world, UK Strictly professional dancer
Erin Boag worked with Professor Compston to develop a dance programme
that would be easy to follow, based on the styles of the Waltz,
Quickstep and Rumba. "Dance movements are multi-directional and help
with joint mobility and flexibility. These dances are beautiful and
graceful with movements that should flow through the entire body.
None of the dance moves are too energetic, so the steps should be
easy for patients to learn," says Boag. "Dancing is something that I
am passionate about. By simply using this educational programme,
patients will be able to take the first step towards more effective
management of their condition".

Internationally renowned choreographer Arlene Phillips has
endorsed this project, and thanked Erin Boag for taking the time to
put her expertise into something so meaningful. "Erin has shown that
dance can be accessible to all, regardless of age and ability. She
has put her professionalism into a fantastic tool. Osteoporosis is
such a debilitating condition, but it is great that patients can help
themselves and slow the progression of the disease, whilst at the
same time having fun. With such a high prevalence, I hope physicians
will find this educational programme incredibly useful when advising
their patients on how to manage this condition, and patients
themselves will enjoy learning the routines and benefit from the
dance moves as they continue to practice".

The educational programme will be available to patients on DVD
through their physician practices. The DVD will be subtitled into
several languages. Physicians can only give this educational
programme to patients. For more information of how practices can
order this DVD please go to www.osteoporosis-disease.eu.

Patients are advised to consult their physician or healthcare
practitioner before undertaking any form of physical exercise.

About osteoporosis

Osteoporosis, meaning 'porous bones' is a progressive disease
which increases the risk of fracture, particularly in the spine, hips
and wrists, due to a reduction in bone strength. Osteoporosis can
cause pain, loss of movement, inability to perform daily tasks, and
in many cases, death. It is estimated that 20% of women who suffer a
hip fracture die within a year.(2) Osteoporosis affects one in three
women and one in five men over 50,2 and most commonly occurs in women
after menopause (postmenopausal osteoporosis) due to a significant
decline in oestrogen levels.(3) The declining level of oestrogen
results in an increase in bone breakdown (resorption), which can lead
to a loss of bone density and hence stability.(4)

About World Osteoporosis Day

World Osteoporosis Day, which takes place on October 20th this
year, provides an all-important focal point for informing and
educating the general public and policy makers about the prevention
of a disease which still suffers from poor general awareness. With
the number of participating countries and scheduled events increasing
steadily year by year, the impact of World Osteoporosis Day has
grown significantly. World Osteoporosis Day 2009 will be the second
year of a 'call to action' campaign.


DAIICHI SANKYO is a global pharmaceutical company that focuses on
researching and marketing innovative medications. The company was
created in 2005 through the merger of two traditional Japanese
enterprises, Daiichi and Sankyo. With net sales of nearly 5.9 billion
EUR in fiscal year 2008, DAIICHI SANKYO is one of the world's 20
leading pharmaceutical companies. The company's world headquarters is
in Tokyo, and its European base is located in Munich. DAIICHI SANKYO
has affiliates in 12 European countries and has been one of the
strongest Japanese pharmaceutical companies located in Europe since
it set up European production facilities and marketing offices in
1990. The company's research activities focus on the areas of
cardiovascular diseases, haematology, diabetes, anti-infectives and
cancer. Its aim is to develop medications that are best in their
class or to create new classes of pharmaceutical drugs.

Forward-looking statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements and
information about future developments in the sector, and the legal
and business conditions of DAIICHI SANKYO EUROPE GmbH. Such
forward-looking statements are uncertain and are subject at all times
to the risks of change, particularly to the usual risks faced by a
global pharmaceutical company, including the impact of the prices for
products and raw materials, medication safety, changes in exchange
rates, government regulations, employee relations, taxes, political
instability and terrorism as well as the results of independent
demands and governmental inquiries that affect the affairs of the
company. All forward-looking statements contained in this release
hold true as of the date of publication. They do not represent any
guarantee of future performance. Actual events and developments could
differ materially from the forward-looking statements that are
explicitly expressed or implied in these statements. DAIICHI SANKYO
EUROPE GmbH assumes no responsibility for the updating of such
forward-looking statements about future developments of the sector,
legal and business conditions and the company.


(1) Peters KM. Knochenkrankheiten. Darmstadt: Steinkopff. 2002;
page 45.
(2) International Osteoporosis Foundation. Facts and statistics
about osteoporosis and its impact. Available at:
Last accessed 09.10.09
(3) BUPA. Osteoporosis. http://hcd2.bupa.co.uk/
(4) Condren L. As oestrogen declines. World of Irish Nursing.
2002: 10(3); 31-32

For more information, please click on:

digital press kits: http://www.presseportal.de/pm/62920
press kits via RSS: http://www.presseportal.de/rss/pm_62920.rss2

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International Brand Management
Phone +49(0)89/78 08-807

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Corporate Communications and Public Affairs
Phone +49(0)89/78 08- 685


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