
EANS-News: CompuGROUP Holding AG / CompuGROUP increases revenue by 36 percent in the first quarter of 2009

Geschrieben am 14-05-2009

Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.

finances/Figures quarter 1 - 2009

Koblenz (euro adhoc) - In the first three months of the business year
2009, CompuGROUP Holding AG, one of the leading e-Health providers
worldwide, has increased its group-wide sales by 36 percent compared
to the same period in the previous year. The operating profit
decreased from EUR 12.8 million in 2008 down to EUR 11.9 million,
mainly because of acquisition related restructuring processes and
regulatory implications. Business development activities remain at a
high level and CompuGROUP has begun the HIS deliveries to hospitals
in Asia.

CompuGROUP continues to pursue its growth strategy. The revenue
reached EUR 64.5 million in the first quarter of 2009 compared to EUR
47.5 million in the same period last year. The Koblenz-based group
decreased its earnings before taxes, interest, depreciation and
amortization (EBITDA) by EUR 0.9 million to EUR 11.9 million. This
result corresponds to an EBITDA margin of 18 percent. Cash flow from
operations increased to EUR 16.0 million, up from EUR 9.0 million in
the first quarter of 2008.

Depreciation and amortization during the first three months of 2009
amounted to EUR 7.6 million compared to EUR 5.5 million in the same
period of 2008. This increase is mostly related to acquisitions.

Earnings after tax for the reporting period were EUR 1.7 million,
down from EUR 5.0 million last year. This change is mostly related to
the increased amortization and depreciation as well as increased
financial expenses compared to the same period in 2008.

In the HPS segment, the company records a strong delivery and expects
an accelerated growth and improving margins for the rest of 2009.
Concerning the HCS business, it is on stabilized basis in Germany.
Further on, CompuGROUP has started to implement the HIS deliveries to
hospitals in Asia. The guidance for 2009 is reaffirmed.

In February, CompuGROUP has entered into the US market by an
agreement with Noteworthy Medical Systems, Inc. for the purchase of
51.6 percent of the shares in the Ohio-based company. Noteworthy is a
provider of connected healthcare technology solutions for the primary
care sector and offers a complete suite of applications, from
web-based practice management to EHR software and tools for turn-key
health information exchange.


CompuGROUP reaffirms the guidance stated in the financial report for
the fourth quarter and preliminary annual results for 2008 issued in
January this year: The management board of CompuGROUP holding AG
expects revenue growth to reach or exceed 25 percent and EBITDA to
reach or exceed EUR 59 million.

In the HPS segment, the implementation of new hospital contracts and
the changing business model in Germany is expected to accelerate
growth and increase margins over the rest of 2009. The new
acquisitions in USA and France are expected to contribute negatively
to EBITDA during 2009. In total, year-on- year growth in the HPS
segment is expected to reach or exceed 35 percent with increasing
EBITDA margin.

In the HCS segment, the forecast assumes that the business volume
during the first quarter will remain stable, with a gradual increase
in insurance-related revenue during the second half of the year. In
total, the HCS segment is expected to decline in revenue and EBITDA
by approximately 10 percent relative to 2008.

Based on external revenue, the EPS segment is expected to experience
negative operating margin also for the remainder of 2009.

Relevant figures at a glance

| |03/2009 |03/2008 |
| |in thousand |in thousand |
| |EUR |EUR |
|Revenue |64,514 |47,545 |
|EBITDA |11,912 |12,832 |
|in % |18 % |27 % |
|EBITA |10,851 |12,214 |
|in % |17 % |26 % |
|EBIT |4,272 |7,302 |
|in % |7 % |15 % |
|EPS (EUR) |0.03 |0.09 |
|Cash net income * |7,321 |9,466 |
|in % |11 % |20 % |
|Cash flow from operating |15,956 |9,011 |
|activities | | |
|Cash flow from investing |-13,868 |-11,265 |
|activities | | |
|of which equity acquisitions |-6,495 |-9,295 |
|Number of shares outstanding |51,450 |52,491 |
|(´000) | | |
|Net debt |110,929 |-21,559 |

* Cash net income: net income before minority interests plus
amortization on intangible assets except for amortization on in-house
capitalized software.

Conference Call for Journalists, Investors and Analysts: The
management board of CompuGROUP Holding AG will go through the Q1
results at a conference for analysts and investors today at 17:00
hours CET. The conference will be broadcast live via telephone (see
the following list of telephone numbers). Its recording can be
replayed later.

You can participate in this conference call by dialing one of the
following phone numbers: +49 69 210869703 (Germany) +44 16 16018902
(UK) +1 2153054495 (USA) Participant code: 671361

At the beginning of the conference call, a presentation will be made
available for download on the CompuGROUP website at

The presentation can be viewed live at

At the beginning of the conference call, a presentation will be made
available for download on the CompuGROUP website at

About CompuGROUP Holding AG CompuGROUP is one of the leading e-health
companies in the world. Its software products designed to support
medical and organizational activities in physicians' surgeries and
hospitals, its information services for all parties involved in the
health sector and its Web-based personal medical files contribute to
the development of a more reliable and efficient health service
system. The basis for the services offered by CompuGROUP is an
unparalleled customer base comprising some 326,000 physicians,
dentists, hospitals and networks, as well as other service providers.
CompuGROUP is the e-health company with the widest global reach among
service providers. The firm operates in 14 European countries,
Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and the U.S. and currently
employs roughly 2,700 people.

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For immediate release - Page 1 of 4

end of announcement euro adhoc

ots Originaltext: CompuGROUP Holding AG
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Further inquiry note:

Barbara Zörner

Tel.: 0261-8000 1293

E-Mail: bzo@compugroup.com

Branche: Software
ISIN: DE0005437305
WKN: 543730
Börsen: Frankfurt / regulated dealing/prime standard
Berlin / free trade
Hamburg / free trade
Stuttgart / free trade
Düsseldorf / free trade
München / free trade


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