
Tata Communications Positioned in the Challengers Quadrant of the Magic Quadrant for Managed Security Services

Geschrieben am 30-04-2009

Mumbai (ots/PRNewswire) -

- Evaluation Based on Completeness of Vision and Ability to

Tata Communications, a leading provider of a new world of
communications, today announced it has been positioned by industry
analyst firm Gartner, Inc. in the Challengers quadrant of its "Magic
Quadrant for Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs) in North
America" report.(1) The Magic Quadrant evaluates MSSPs such as Tata
Communications on completeness of vision and ability to execute, and
uses selection criteria based on service and product capabilities and
other factors.

"In just one year, we have launched and scaled our managed
security services business, and are now focused on meeting the
highest expectations that our customers have from us, and validating
our customers' choice of Tata Communications as their choice for
managed security services for their sites in developed and emerging
markets worldwide," said John Landau, senior vice president of Global
Managed Services for Tata Communications. "We believe that our
placement in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Managed Security Services
reflects the trust that our customers have placed in Tata
Communications and its ability to deliver world-class security

The Gartner Magic Quadrant is widely recognized as one of the
most influential reports for enterprises seeking to evaluate managed
security service vendors. It evaluates vendors according to ability
to execute - including overall viability, product capabilities,
quality, feature sets, skills, market responsiveness and track record
- as well as the completeness of vision, which includes innovation
and product strategy among other criteria.

Tata Communications' focus on managed security services allows
enterprises to reduce costs by outsourcing the increasingly difficult
and expensive task of both monitoring and managing their security
infrastructure, while simultaneously delivering higher levels of
coverage and protection. The suite of security services, which
includes managed and monitored Firewalls and Unified Threat
Management (UTM) systems, Intrusion Detection and Prevention systems,
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Detection and Mitigation,
Vulnerability Management, email security and filtering, and
Penetration Testing, offers customers proactive detection and
evaluation of information security threats, accompanied by swift
incident response and remediation actions.

The services are overseen by an experienced, globally distributed
support team using state-of-the-art systems, processes and tools.
Tata Communications' wide range of supported vendors and solutions,
combined with its globally consistent and efficient service delivery
model, meets the security needs of businesses.

For more information on Tata Communications' MSS offering visit:

Related Links

DDoS Detection & Mitigation by Tata Communications protects India
Infrastructure from Sophisticated and Methodical Cyber Attacks http:/

Tata Communications Attains ISO 20000 and 27001 Certifications
for Managed Services and Data Centers http://www.tatacommunications.c

Tata Communications Receives ISO 27001 Certification for Managed
Security Services http://www.tatacommunications.com/news/release-view

Tata Communications Awarded Cisco(R) Powered Managed Security and
Managed Connectivity Designations http://www.tatacommunications.com/n

Tata Communications and Arbor Networks Receive 2008 Telephony
Innovation Award for Most Innovative Managed Service http://www.tatac

Tata Communications Launches New Vulnerability Management Service
(VMS) with Qualys http://www.tatacommunications.com/news/release-view

About the Magic Quadrant

The Magic Quadrant is copyrighted 16th April 2009 by Gartner,
Inc. and is reused with permission. The Magic Quadrant is a
graphical representation of a marketplace at and for a specific time
period. It depicts Gartner's analysis of how certain vendors measure
against criteria for that marketplace, as defined by Gartner.
Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in
the Magic Quadrant, and does not advise technology users to select
only those vendors placed in the "Leaders" quadrant. The Magic
Quadrant is intended solely as a research tool, and is not meant to
be a specific guide to action. Gartner disclaims all warranties,
express or implied, with respect to this research, including any
warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

1. Gartner, Inc., "Magic Quadrant for MSSPs, North America" by
Kelly M. Kavanagh, John Pescatore, April 16, 2009.

About Tata Communications

Tata Communications, a member of the $62.5 billion Tata Group, is
a leading global provider of a new world of communications. The
emerging markets communications leader leverages its advanced
solutions capabilities and domain expertise across its global and
pan-India network to deliver managed solutions to multi-national and
Indian enterprises, service providers and Indian consumers.

Tata Communications' range of services include transmission, IP,
converged voice, mobility, managed network connectivity, hosting and
storage, managed security, managed collaboration and business
transformation for global enterprises and service providers, as well
as Internet, retail broadband and content services for Indian
consumers. The Tata Global Network encompasses one of the most
advanced and largest submarine cable networks, a Tier-1 IP network,
with connectivity to more than 200 countries across 300 Pops, and
more than 1 million square feet of data centre and colocation

Tata Communications' unique emerging market depth and breadth of
reach includes a national fiber backbone network and access to
network in over 60 cities and 125 Pops in India, strategic
investments in South African converged services operator, Neotel, Sri
Lanka and Nepal and, subject to fulfilment of conditions precedent, a
50% ownership in China Enterprise Communications (CEC) providing full
country VPN coverage in China.

Servicing customers from its offices in over 80 cities in 40
countries, Tata Communications is the number one global international
wholesale voice operator and number one provider of international
long distance, enterprise data and Internet services in India, the
Company was named "Best Wholesale Carrier" at the World
Communications Awards in 2006, "Best Pan-Asian Wholesale Provider" at
the 2006 and 2007 Capacity Magazine Global Wholesale
Telecommunications Awards and was awarded "Best Progress in Emerging
Markets" at the 2008 Mobile Communication Awards.

Tata Communications Limited is listed on the Bombay Stock
Exchange and the National Stock Exchange of India and its ADRs are
listed on the New York Stock Exchange. (NYSE: TCL)

Forward-looking and cautionary statements

Certain words and statements in this release concerning Tata
Communications and its prospects, and other statements, including
those relating to Tata Communications' expected financial position,
business strategy, the future development of Tata Communications'
operations, and the general economy in India, are forward-looking
statements. Such statements involve known and unknown risks,
uncertainties and other factors, including financial, regulatory and
environmental, as well as those relating to industry growth and trend
projections, which may cause actual results, performance or
achievements of Tata Communications, or industry results, to differ
materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking
statements. The important factors that could cause actual results,
performance or achievements to differ materially from such
forward-looking statements include, among others, failure to increase
the volume of traffic on Tata Communications' network; failure to
develop new products and services that meet customer demands and
generate acceptable margins; failure to successfully complete
commercial testing of new technology and information systems to
support new products and services, including voice transmission
services; failure to stabilize or reduce the rate of price
compression on certain of the company's communications services;
failure to integrate strategic acquisitions and changes in government
policies or regulations of India and, in particular, changes relating
to the administration of Tata Communications' industry; and, in
general, the economic, business and credit conditions in India.
Additional factors that could cause actual results, performance or
achievements to differ materially from such forward-looking
statements, many of which are not in Tata Communications' control,
include, but are not limited to, those risk factors discussed in Tata
Communications' various filings with the United States Securities and
Exchange Commission. These filings are available at
http://www.sec.gov. Tata Communications is under no obligation to,
and expressly disclaims any obligation to, update or alter its
forward-looking statements.

Media Contacts:
S Ravindran,
Tata Communications,
Abhishek Prakash
Tata Communications
Media Agency
STC Associates

Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Media Contacts: S Ravindran, Tata Communications, +91-9223306610,
ravindran.s@tatacommunications.com; Abhishek Prakash, Tata
Communications, +65-9728-3020,
abhishek.prakash@tatacommunications.com; Media Agency, STC
Associates, +1-646-214-6545, kristen@stcassociates.com


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