
EANS-News: BAUER Aktiengesellschaft / Bauer holds ceremony to mark completion of redevelopment work

Geschrieben am 30-03-2009

. Completion of an investment project totalling over EUR 65 million
at Group headquarters
. Ceremony marking reopening of head office
administration building and plant complex
. Bavarian State Governor
Horst Seehofer in attendance as Guest of Honour

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the content of this announcement.


Schrobenhausen, March 30, 2009 - (euro adhoc) - Construction and
equipment manufacturing concern BAUER AG held a ceremony last Friday
to mark the completion of a package of major redevelopment works
forming part of the most extensive investment programme in the
company's history. In recent years the company has invested over EUR
65 million in extension, renovation and new building work at its
Schrobenhausen base in Upper Bavaria. The ceremony, attended by
Bavaria's State Governor Horst Seehofer as the Guest of Honour,
celebrated two construction projects in particular: the new head
office administration building in Schrobenhausen and the new steel
processing facility for the machinery manufacturing operations in
neighbouring Edelshausen. With around 1,600 employees at site, Bauer
is one of the largest industrial companies in the Ingolstadt area.

The new head office The strong growth of the business since the
mid-1990s had forced Bauer to rent additional premises around the
existing head office facility. Indeed, some staff offices were housed
in temporary containers. A new administration building costing EUR 12
million has been constructed and the existing complex dating from
1974 renovated at a cost of EUR 5.5 million.

"We wanted a building that offers our employees good working
conditions while at the same time embodying our solid, no-nonsense
philosophy as a construction and engineering company," states
Chairman of the Management Board Professor Thomas Bauer, outlining
the intention behind the project. From a number of designs submitted,
the proposal by Munich architects Weickenmeier, Kunz + Partner was
ultimately selected. A key factor in this choice was, not least, the
fact that it made use of the entire site area. The proposal to
incorporate a circular concrete space for the company's regular
in-house machinery exhibitions was acknowledged as an appealing

Edelshausen structural steel engineering works BAUER Maschinen GmbH
has established a new metalworking plant for its machinery
manufacturing operations. There was an urgent need for new capacity
arising from the rapid growth of the machinery business in recent
years, even though extensive new facilities have been added at the
Aresing plant which opened in 2002. On a 100,000 square metre site in
Edelshausen, a 20,000 square metre welding and cutting facility has
been established, along with repair workshops and an anchor
production unit. A 10,000 square metre roofed storage facility for
incoming material has also been constructed. The planning for the
Edelshausen facility was carried out by Regensburg-based consulting
engineers Omlor-Mehringer.

The opening ceremony was attended by around 350 guests, who had ample
opportunity to admire the impressive new office and plant facilities.

About Bauer Bauer is a provider of services, machinery and ancillary
products in the earth- working and groundwater fields. The Group
markets its products and services all over the world. Its global
spread allows it to remain largely unaffected by fluctuating business

The operations of the Group are divided into three segments:
Construction, Equipment and Resources. The Construction segment
carries out specialist foundation engineering work all over the
world, developing foundation and excavation projects as well as
providing related construction services. In its Equipment segment, in
which it is the world market leader, Bauer offers an extensive range
of machinery, equipment and tools for specialist foundation
engineering. The Resources segment encompasses the Group's operations
in the exploitation of raw materials, in environmental technology, in
geothermal drilling operations and also in equipment for wells
(including pumps and drills, screens and casings).

Bauer profits greatly from the collaboration between its three
separate segments, enabling the Group to position itself as an
innovative, highly specialized provider of complete solutions and
services for demanding projects on the specialist foundation
engineering and related markets.

Founded in 1790, Bauer today generates more than two thirds of its
total revenues outside of Germany. Employing nearly 7,000 people, the
Group's total revenues in 2007 were EUR 1.2 billion (previous year:
EUR 980 million). BAUER Aktiengesellschaft has been listed on the
official market of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange since July 4, 2006
(Prime Standard, ISIN DE0005168108).

end of announcement euro adhoc

ots Originaltext: Bauer AG
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Further inquiry note:

Bettina Mestenhauser

Head of Corporate Communication & Investor Relations

BAUER Aktiengesellschaft

Wittelsbacherstrasse 5

86529 Schrobenhausen, Germany

Tel: +49 8252 97 1918

Fax: +49 8252 97 2900

Mobile: +49 171 755 9210

E-mail: investor.relations@bauer.de

Internet: http://www.bauer.de

Branche: Construction & Property
ISIN: DE0005168108
WKN: 516810
Index: MDAX, CDAX, Classic All Share, Prime All Share
Börsen: Börse Frankfurt / regulated dealing/prime standard
Börse Berlin / free trade
Börse Hamburg / free trade
Börse Stuttgart / free trade
Börse Düsseldorf / free trade
Börse München / free trade


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