
euro adhoc: Österreichische Post AG / Board of Directors (Appointments and Changes) / Austrian Post: CEO Anton Wais resigns for health reasons and retreats to private life

Geschrieben am 04-03-2009

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Company Information


Austrian Post announces that Anton Wais has resigned his position as
Chairman of the Management Board and Chief Executive Officer of
Austrian Post for health reasons effective March 31, 2009. Mr. Wais
informed the Supervisory Board of his decision at the meeting held
today, March 4, 2009.

Subject to the approval of the Supervisory Board, the duties and
responsibilities of Mr. Wais will be assumed on an interim basis as
of April 1, 2009 by Rudolf Jettmar, Chief Financial Officer and
Deputy Chairman of the Management Board. The Supervisory Board will
search immediately for a successor of Anton Wais in accordance with
the legal guidelines of the Public Appointment Act.

"After close to ten extremely intensive years at Austrian Post, I
have come to this decision after careful consideration.
Unfortunately, this step is absolutely necessary due to the state of
my health", says Austrian Post Chairman Anton Wais. "I look back at
the past decade with pride. Today Austrian Post is a profitable
company. Its high dividends and good operating results confirm the
strategy adopted in 1999. This good positioning will contribute to
the company´s ability to conquer future challenges and successfully
move ahead into the fully liberalised letter mail market".

"I can only express my heartfelt thanks to Mr. Wais for his service
to the company and the successful spirit of cooperation in past
years", says Peter Michaelis, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of
Austrian Post. "Under his leadership, Austrian Post succeeded in its
transformation into a modern service provider. Not the least of the
achievements of Anton Wais and his team was deeply embedding this
paradigm change in the company in the course of the Initial Public
Offering in 2006. The excellent development of the Post share,
despite all the turbulences on international financial and capital
markets, confirms the solid business model of Austrian Post. Even if
I very much regret the resignation of Mr. Wais, I naturally
understand his decision and wish him all the best for his future".

Deputy Chairman and CFO Rudolf Jettmar confirms: "All measures for
further improving the economic position of the company and
guaranteeing its stability and value creation are based on the
collective decisions of the entire board. This successful path will
be continued. The board of Austrian Post regrets the decision of
Anton Wais and wishes him all the best for fast recovery".

Anton Wais was appointed Chairman of the Management Board and Chief
Executive Officer of Austrian Post on July 1, 1999. The legal
independence of Austrian Post in 1999 and the subsequent
restructuring of the company took place during his term of office. He
also laid the groundwork for the international expansion of the Group
and finally the successful IPO in the spring of 2006.

end of announcement euro adhoc

ots Originaltext: Österreichische Post AG
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Further inquiry note:

Austrian Post

Mr. Marc Zimmermann

Head of Group Communications

Tel.: +43 (0) 57767 - 22626


Austrian Post

Mr. Michael Homola

Press spokesman

Tel.: +43 (0) 57767 - 32010


Austrian Post

Mr. Harald Hagenauer

Head of Investor Relations

Tel.: +43 (0) 57767 - 30400


Branche: Transport
Index: ATX Prime, ATX
Börsen: Wiener Börse AG / stock market


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