
QUALCOMM Successfully Demonstrates Fully Mobile VoIP Calls Across a Number of Field Test Environments

Geschrieben am 07-06-2006

San Diego (ots/PRNewswire) -

- More Than 60 Calls per Sector Show Commercial Readiness of
CDMA2000 1xEV-DO Rev. A VoIP Services

QUALCOMM Incorporated (Nasdaq: QCOM), a leading developer and
innovator of Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) and other advanced
wireless technologies, today announced it has successfully
demonstrated the full mobility of high-quality, high-capacity voice
over Internet protocol (VoIP) calls across multiple test
environments, including mobile, pedestrian and fixed, enabling
operators to migrate voice services to Internet protocol (IP)-based
platforms for a common service platform. The field tests, which
involved 62 simultaneous calls, were conducted over CDMA2000(R)
1xEV-DO Rev. A in one sector within a single 1.25 MHz channel -- in a
fully mobile configuration. The test network demonstrated capacity
gains approximately 30 times greater than mobile analog voice and
results from a fully loaded commercial network could be somewhat
lower. QUALCOMM used commercial-ready application specific integrated
circuits in both handset and prototype networks. These field tests
validate the quality and capacity of full mobility VoIP over EV-DO
Rev. A and pave the way to large scale commercial trials by network

"Operators globally have committed to the rapid deployment of
CDMA2000 EV-DO Rev. A. These tests prove EV-DO Rev. A's capability
for delivering high-capacity, high-quality VoIP over 3G mobile
broadband networks," said Dr. Roberto Padovani, chief technology
officer of QUALCOMM.

VoIP over EV-DO Rev. A leverages session initiation protocol,
commonly referred to as SIP, in combination with a number of advanced
techniques to achieve quality of service comparable to traditional
landline voice. These techniques include:

-- Comprehensive Quality of Service features, which enable operators to
provide multiple services on a common packet data platform;
-- Advanced call-hand-off algorithms, which ensure seamless operation in
the mobile environment;
-- Mobile receive diversity and equalization, which improve network
capacity and user experience; and
-- Enhanced speech-processing algorithms, which improve network capacity
and ensure high voice quality.

The full mobility success of these VoIP field tests represent
another step toward the convergence of IP and mobile data services
with landline wide area IP networks, as QUALCOMM helps bring its
customers' IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) strategies to fruition.
Operators will be able to efficiently merge their wireless and
wireline networks based on IMS, allowing them to realize unsurpassed
cost and operational efficiencies over current deployments. By basing
all communications services on an IP network, operators are able to
use their network capacity in a much more flexible manner, through
the dynamic allocation of capacity to an ever-increasing array of 3G
services, such as:

-- Push to talk, which is VoIP offered as walkie-talkie-like service;
-- Packet-based video telephony, which combines realtime video with VoIP;
-- Simultaneous VoIP calls and data sessions.

"QUALCOMM is committed to innovating on the 3G roadmap and will
drive the leading edge of airlink enhancements converging onto one IP
interface," said Padovani. "High-capacity, full-mobility VoIP is a
significant milestone in this vision for the evolution of mobile
broadband networks. It will enable operators to supercharge their
service packages by offering customers a rich mix of voice and data,
and end users will have a heightened multimedia experience from the
resulting realtime audio, video and data streams their service
providers offer."

QUALCOMM Incorporated (http://www.qualcomm.com) is a leader in
developing and delivering innovative digital wireless communications
products and services based on CDMA and other advanced technologies.
Headquartered in San Diego, Calif., QUALCOMM is included in the S&P
500 Index and is a 2006 FORTUNE 500(R) company traded on The Nasdaq
Stock Market(R) under the ticker symbol QCOM.

QUALCOMM is a registered trademark of QUALCOMM Incorporated.
CDMA2000 is a registered trademark of the Telecommunications Industry
Association (TIA USA). All other trademarks are the property of their
respective owners.

QUALCOMM Contacts:
Jeremy James, Corporate Communications
Phone: +1-858-651-1641
Email: corpcomm@qualcomm.com
Bill Davidson, Investor Relations
Phone: +1-858-658-4813
Email: ir@qualcomm.com
Web site: http://www.qualcomm.com

ots Originaltext: Qualcomm Incorporated
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Jeremy James, Corporate Communications, +1-858-651-1641,
corpcomm@qualcomm.com; or Bill Davidson, Investor Relations,
+1-858-658-4813, ir@qualcomm.com, both of QUALCOMM Incorporated


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