
New Meta-Analysis Confirms Safety Profile for NeoRecormon in Treating Anaemia in Cancer Patients

Geschrieben am 11-06-2008

Basel, Switzerland (ots/PRNewswire) -

- Data Published in the British Journal of Cancer Reports That
NeoRecormon use has no Negative Impact on Overall Survival or Tumour

A new meta-analysis of all 12 prospective, randomised, controlled
studies in 2,301 cancer patients shows that treating anaemia with
NeoRecormon(R) (epoetin beta) has no negative impact on survival,
tumour progression or deaths caused by blood clots, when used within
its approved indications (1).

These encouraging results reported in the British Journal of
Cancer, June 2008, showed no new safety concerns with NeoRecormon
when used in accordance with its label and current EORTC guidelines.

Key findings of the meta-analysis
- No statistically significant difference in terms of overall survival
between patients receiving NeoRecormon or control.
- No statistically significant difference in disease progression between
NeoRecormon and the control groups, however there was a trend in favour
of a reduced risk of disease progression among NeoRecormon-treated
- There was an increased incidence of thromboembolic events (TEE) in the
NeoRecormon group (7.1% vs. 4.4%). This is consistent with the risk
observed in the erythropoiesis stimulating agent (ESA) class in
general, known by Health Authorities and described in all ESA labels.
There was no difference in the incidence of serious (4% vs. 3%) or
fatal TEEs (1% vs. 1%) for the NeoRecormon and control groups
About the meta-analysis
- The meta-analysis was conducted to evaluate differences between
NeoRecormon and control (placebo or standard care) with regard to
overall survival, disease progression and TEEs.
- In contrast to other conventional meta-analyses, in this meta-analysis
individual patient level data and not study level data were used, which
allowed the conduct of more robust overall analysis and sub-analyses of
groups of special interest, such as those with haemoglobin (Hb) less#
than 11 g/dL.
- It included all 12 prospective, randomised, controlled studies in which
NeoRecormon was compared to placebo or standard treatment
(transfusions, if required) in patients with cancer undergoing
treatment with chemotherapy (7 studies), surgery (2 studies),
radiotherapy (2 studies) or radio-chemotherapy (1 study).

Since NeoRecormon was introduced nearly two decades ago, it has
had an established safety and efficacy track record. Studies have
confirmed that within its approved licence NeoRecormon has been shown
to reduce the need for blood transfusions and to significantly
improve quality of life for anaemic patients with cancer being
treated with chemotherapy (2)(3)(4).

About Roche

Headquartered in Basel, Switzerland, Roche is one of the world's
leading research-focused healthcare groups in the fields of
pharmaceuticals and diagnostics. As the world's biggest biotech
company and an innovator of products and services for the early
detection, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases, the Group
contributes on a broad range of fronts to improving people's health
and quality of life. Additional information about the Roche Group is
available on the Internet at http://www.roche.com.

(1) Br J Cancer advance online publication 10 June 2008;
(2) Br J Cancer. 2003 Apr 7;88(7):988-95
(3) Cancer Chemother Pharmacol. 2007 Jan;59(1):35-42
(4) J Clin Oncol. 2002 May 15;20(10):2486-94

ots Originaltext: Roche Pharmaceuticals
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

For further information please contact: Sheila Kolesaire at Roche,
Tel: +1-973-235-4347, Mobile: +1-973-687-0188; Diane Lorton at
Galliard, Tel: +44(0)207-663-2265, Mobile: +44(0)7717-531-823


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